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Nowadays it is an essential need to know how to take care of the eyes, since we spend many hours in front of screens. This excess exposure to unnatural light causes irritation and dry eyes, at the same time as tired eyes, redness and also headaches. We are going to see some important tips to take care of our eyesight and enjoy better eye health.
Habits during work
1 - Use adequate lighting
It is important to avoid reflections and excess lights, which overstimulate our eyes. Natural light will be our great ally, since it does not tire the eyes, and we must try to get it from the sides, not from the face or from behind. As for lighting, it will always be better to have incandescent or halogen lights, indirect lighting. Fluorescent lights should be avoided.
2 - Exercise the eyes
At regular intervals, you have to look away from your computer and mobile screens. These screens cause rapid eye strain, so you have to look away from them every 20 minutes, and look into the distance for about 20 seconds. In this way, we will relax the eye muscles and reduce fatigue. Remember the rule: 20, 20, 20 (that is, every 20 minutes, look at 20 meters for 20 seconds).
3 - Use glasses for screens
There are specific glasses for screens, which filter the light, making our eyes much less affected by exposure to them. In this case, we will get blue light filtering glasses or HEV (high energy visible), which will reduce our eyestrain, dryness, redness, irritation, blurred vision and headache.

Hydration for the eyes
The visual musculature relaxes if we look far away, and it becomes fatigued if we focus on a nearby image, or on a screen. By constantly having to adjust when we read, or when we look at a screen or when driving, the visual muscles have to constantly adjust, which generates fatigue.
In addition, over the years, and by adding presbyopia or tired eyesight, these problems are accentuated, producing even more dry eyes, fatigue, redness, eye irritation, and finally headaches. To alleviate the situation, it is advisable to have eye drops, moisturizers for our eyes. The use of eye drops will keep our eyes hydrated, which will be of great benefit to avoid dryness and fatigue in the visual muscles.
Outdoors and the sun
Another factor to take into account to protect our eyes is the outdoor spaces, with exposure to the sun, and therefore to the sun's rays, which without filtering can also be harmful to our eyes in long exposures. Exposure to the sun can cause photochemical damage to the retina and cornea, creating that feeling of "blindness" or high ocular sensitivity.

One of the best solutions is to protect our eyes by wearing sunglasses when being outdoors, especially on very sunny days. At Shades World we have quality glasses with beautiful designs, which have a UV400 filter and that will improve our life outdoors. The glasses will filter the rays, causing them to generate much less stress and photosensitivity in our eyes.
Also, as a precaution, we will always protect our eyes from direct sun. You never have to look at the sun from the face, focusing on it with your eyes, we will always try to generate a shadow in front of us, and if we also wear sunglasses with UV400 lenses like the ones we sell in Shades World, our eyes will be even more protected.